September 7, 2010

Restoring Honor

I have not had a chance (or have not taken the chance) to blog about my trip to Washington D.C. I went with my mom (thanks Mom!) and had a great time exploring a city that I had never been to before. We pretty much stayed on the National Mall, but with so much to learn, explore, and see there was really no need to go anywhere else! I had an amazing time, and wished my boys could have been with me to see some of the sites. The history is overwhelmingly incredible, just the monuments can take your breath away. Then the Smithsonian Museums, can't even begin to explain how fun these were to explore. These are a must see for my boys. If you noticed my quote this week, both Landon and Trevor told me to never go to that museum again without them. I was telling them all about it and showing them pictures and they so wanted to go right then and there!

I also got to go to a very inspirational rally. It was put on by Glenn Beck, and was titled "Restoring Honor". If you were not there, please, please, please do not believe what the media had to say about this or lack of coverage it got. It was a HUGE rally, I would say at least 600,000 people were in attendance starting at the Lincoln Memorial, completely filled shoulder to shoulder back to the start of the Washington Monument. That is a lot of people! So you read Glenn Beck, and then probably thought this was some huge political thing, right? Not at all true, no politics were ever brought up threw the entire four hour rally. It was all about RESTORING HONOR.

What does that mean, you ask? It was all about looking to God and restoring honor within yourself through God and going out from there. Then restoring honor in your family, in your community, so on and so forth. It was a very religious rally, lots of tears and real life stories, trial, and tribulations. God is the answer! How will we find the next GREAT leader if we do not have honor and God present in our children's lives? We won't! Let your children see you pray, pray with your children and be so very thankful for the many, many blessings God has bestowed on us all! Take the time to restore honor within  yourself, within your marriage, within your children. You might just raise the next GREAT leader of this wonderful country The United States of America!

I am in the process of editing/uploading some video clips of the rally and will post them as soon as I get a chance.
On the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream..." speech, here is his niece.

Inspirational Music
Sorry, all morning and the video was still not loaded:(

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