August 19, 2009

More diaper talk ...

I have been keeping quite busy. In my quest to be a stay at home mom, but also help out a little bit financially as well as have something I can call my own I have come up with SON up till SON down Designs. My love for being crafty and sewing combined with my silly obsession of cloth diapers is what brought this on. I have been taking care of my boys and my house and when I get a bit of free time I am sewing diapers. I have been trying out different patters and am a tester for a one size pattern right now. I hope to get that test diaper made today. I have created a website for my business and hope to find (and license if need be) a diaper pattern that I really love soon. I am really liking the Hippy Hippy Snap pattern, but I have a few more to try out before I make a final decision. I would love some feedback on my website, as it is a work in progress and any advise to make it better is much appreciated. Here is the link:

These are my latest diapers I have sewn:

Hippy Hippy Snap, size small fitted
Super Front Snap, size small AIO
Super Front Snap, size Medium AIO

Yesterday was laundry day (diaper laundry day!), and here are my lovely dipes hanging out to dry:


kdactyl said...

Nicholle: You are amazing...where do you find the time? Love the is so easy to navigate and your designs are so fun and colorful. Makes me want to cloth diaper next time...if there is a next time.

Good luck. If I know of anyone local that is using cloth...I will send them your link.


Jessica said...

Nicholle - what about posting these on Etsy? The site gets so much traffic (mostly by me!) and you can maintain your website too - which is super cute!

"Sweeter Everyday" The Holder Family said...

Nicholle - I love it! The site is amazing and you are doing a beautiful job! I agree with trying Etsy as well. :)

Good Luck with your new venture!

Nicholle said...

I think once I really get some good diapers ready to sell I will either add something to etsy or hyenacart (or both;) ). Thanks for checking out my site, feedback is a great thing right now as I try to get something up and running!

Kellie said...

Nicholle, the site looks great! I'm seriously impressed - I'd LOVE to be able to sew diapers to make some extra money and stay home but I never know where to begin. Can't wait to see some more of your diapers! :-)