August 14, 2009

Quick Work-Out

Ted has been working on a pretty big project at work, so I missed out on 2 days of kettlebells this week. I decided to do a quick workout at home today, and thought I would share in case anyone else would like to try it out. It is only 15 minutes, so everyone has enough time to do this workout!

Set your timer for 15 minutes and do as many rounds of these 5 exercises as you can:

1) 10 push-ups
2) 10 v-ups (or any type of sit-up you prefer)
3) 20 mountain climbers (10/leg)
4) 10 burpees
5) 10 sqauts

Now go work-out!

Wanted to add that I got 8 rounds in, your body can do amazing things IF you set your mind to do it...

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